Committee Chair

Committee Chair

Role Required

The Minister of Seniors, Community and Social Services (SCSS) is seeking applications from individuals interested in serving as Chair of the Family Support for Children with Disabilities (FSCD) Provincial Parent Advisory Committee (PPAC).

About the Agency

Created under s. 7 of the Government Organization Act, the PPAC is an advisory committee accountable to the Minister of CSS and responsible for providing advice and guidance regarding the FSCD program. PPAC was established in 2004 along with the implementation of the Family Support for Children with Disabilities Act to ensure the involvement of families in ongoing implementation of the legislation and continuous program improvement.

Role Description

Role of the Committee and Committee Members

  • To provide input and feedback on FSCD related policies, procedures and practices to the Ministry of SCSS as it affects families of children with disabilities.
  • To provide advice on how the FSCD program can continue to have a positive impact on families and their children with disabilities.
  • To make all reasonable efforts to ensure that advice provided is based upon lived experience and input reflecting the perspectives of families who are receiving FSCD services and the diversity of families across the province.
  • To work with SCSS to strengthen, promote and champion the voices of families through Regional Parent Advisory Committee (RPAC) involvement, including families from Indigenous and other cultural backgrounds and perspectives.

The appointment of each member of the Committee is for a fixed term of up to three years. The Minister may reappoint members, to a maximum of ten years.

Skills and Experience Required

  • Candidates must be the parent/guardian of a child under the age of 18 with a disability and currently accessing the FSCD program.
  • Member competencies include knowledge of government/public policy, community and stakeholder relations, and knowledge of the sector the public agency operates within; strong leadership/teamwork skills, strategic thinking and critical problem-solving skills; knowledge of the FSCD program and of disabilities and emerging trends.
  • Additional Chair competencies include governance experience, human resources and public relations experience.
  • Appointed Chair will become members of their RPAC in order to be able to carry out their responsibilities.

Remuneration and Time Commitment

The remuneration of non-government members appointed to the Committee will be set according to Committee Remuneration Order 466/2007, Appendix 3, Schedule 1 Part B, and reimbursed for expenses as per the Alberta Public Service Subsistence travel rates and allowances. Remuneration rates and payments will be disclosed by Community and Social Services to the public on an annual basis.

Time commitment is approximately six full-day meetings per year. In person meetings with the option of attending virtually.

For more details on eligibility and how to apply, visit: https://public-agency