Public Notice - Proposed Terms of Reference for Environmental Impact Assessment

MD of Acadia and Special Areas Board & MD of Acadia and Special Areas Joint Irrigation Project

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Public Notice

MD of Acadia and Special Areas Board

MD of Acadia and Special Areas Joint Irrigation Project

Proposed Terms of Reference for Environmental Impact Assessment

The MD of Acadia and Special Areas Board (the Proponent) proposed the MD of Acadia and Special Areas Joint Irrigation Project (the Project) to increase irrigation capacity within the MD of Acadia and Special Areas No. 2. Through the development of irrigation infrastructure, the proposed Project aims to increase the yield and variety of crops that may be cultivated by producers and provide associated opportunities and benefits to the economy.

The Project centre point is proposed to be located between ATS 22-3-W4M and ATS 23-3-W4M approximately 250 km east of Calgary, AB, and 100 km north of Medicine Hat, AB. The Project area extends from Township 20-25, Ranges 1-4 W4M.

The Project is expected to include the creation of two preliminary reservoirs referred to as

  • Reservoir A1 located within Section 24-23-4 W4M, and Sections 19, 20, 21, 28, 29, 30 of Township 23, Range 3, W4M; approximately 1 km north of Red Deer River, on the boundary between the MD of Acadia and Special Area No. 3, and
  • Prince’s Spring Reservoir located within Sections 22, 26, 27, 28, 33, 34, 35 of Township 21, Range 3, W4M and Section 3 and 4 of Township 22, Range 3, W4M; approximately 5.5 km southwest of Bindloss, AB, within Special Area No. 2.


The Project requires a new Red Deer River pump station to be constructed where water is diverted out of the Red Deer River and pressurized for pumping. Various secondary pump stations, water conveyance canals, secondary reservoirs, a pipeline network, and power generation facilities (solar farm and electrical generation stations) are anticipated within the Project area to provide water supply and delivery for the Project.

The proposed irrigation area will service only the MD of Acadia and Special Area No. 2. The water in these reservoirs is expected to be used to irrigate approximately 43,706 ha (108,000 acres) within the project’s 54,450 ha (134,550 acres) of agricultural land, with an estimated 19,900 ha (49,200 acres) in the MD of Acadia and 23,800 ha (58,800 acres) in Special Area No. 2.

The Project will involve a new water diversion license for the Red Deer River.

The Director responsible for Environmental Assessment has directed that an Environmental Impact Assessment Report be prepared for the MD of Acadia and Special Areas Joint Irrigation Project. The MD of Acadia and Special Areas Board has prepared a proposed Terms of Reference for this Environmental Impact Assessment, and through this public notice, invites the public to review this document. Your name and comments submitted will be accessible to the public.

The proposed Terms of Reference and associated project information can be viewed at the following locations:


For further information on the MD of Acadia and Special Areas Joint Irrigation Project or copies of the proposed Terms of Reference and associated project information please contact:

MD of Acadia and Special Areas Joint Irrigation Project

c/o Special Areas Board Communications

Box 820, 212-2nd Avenue West,

Hanna, AB T0J 1P0


Phone: 403 854 5611


Individuals wishing to provide written comments on the proposed Terms of Reference must submit them by April 22, 2025 to:

Director, Environmental Assessment, Regulatory Assurance

Alberta Environment and Protected Areas

c/o Alison Watson, Environmental Assessment Coordinator

2nd Floor, Petroleum Plaza, South Tower, 9915 – 108 Street

Edmonton, Alberta  T5K 2G8



By providing your comments, you are consenting to the public disclosure of your name and comments. You should not include any information that you do not want disclosed publicly. Other personal information such as addresses, phone numbers and email addresses, will be removed. Your name and comments are being disclosed under the authorization of Section 35(1)(a)(ii) of the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act.


Privacy Statement

The personal information being collected is for the purpose of the Alberta Environmental Assessment program. This collection is authorized by Sec33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. For questions about the collection of personal information, contact Environmental Assessment Registrar at 780-427-5828, or mail to 2nd Floor, Petroleum Plaza, South Tower, 9915 - 108 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5K 2G8