Windspeaker Radio speaks with Ron Quintal, president of the McKay Metis Group of Companies.
Fort McKay Métis Group Ltd.
Office: 780 828 4116
Address: P.O. Box 5000
Fort McMurray, AB
T9H 3G4
The Fort McKay Metis is traveling a path of self-determination, said President Ron Quintal. It’s their ability to exercise their traditional rights on their territory that works to deliver services to the oil sector.
“We believe that going down this path is allowing our community to be successful and to be 100 per cent self-sufficient, and not be dependent upon government funding,” Quintal told Windspeaker Radio.
Revenues are raised as a community organization and, as a result, revenues flow back into the community for the purposes of delivering programs and services.
Quintal said he had a number of business mentors, but points directly to neighbouring Fort McKay First Nation and their successful group of businesses as a catalyst for his community’s path forward. He said the Fort McKay Metis Group of Companies took their neighbour’s example as inspiration, using it as a blue print for their own success.
Quintal encourages young Indigenous people to commit to their high school education and to look at not only blue collar work, but white collar work.
“We need just as many engineers and planners and lawyers as we do welders and millwrights. The opportunity is there.”
Don’t give up, Quintal tells young people. One of the biggest things to overcome is fear and fear of the unknown.
“Once we get past that, I think success is within our reach.”
There is a better world out there, he said. You just have to want it bad enough and to take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way.
“You reach your hand out, we’re going to be here ready to take your hand and help you with the next stage of your career.”