Galleries carry work from the deeply meaningful to the simply beautiful


CFWE-FM speaks with Grant Berg of Grant Berg Gallery in Grande Prairie and the Berg Gallery in Kananaskis for Indigenous Business Profile.

Grant Berg Gallery

#3-9907 100th Avenue, Grande Prairie, Alberta

Phone: 587-259-6333


Berg Gallery

1 Centennial Drive

Kananaskis Village, Alberta


Grant Berg has been involved in the arts for more than a decade. He saw a niche in the Grande Prairie market, which did not have a gallery, so he thought he would jump at the opportunity.

He encourages artists who want to market their work to follow both his galleries on Instagram. And they, in turn, will follow back. That allows Berg to track artists’ work during his casual time. And he’s recruited a number of artists just from that quick and easy activity.

Another way for artists to interact Berg is through email, supplying portfolio details and prices, a resume and a website and social media.

Berg carries a variety of Indigenous art in his galleries, from the deeply meaningful to the simply beautiful.

Berg said one challenge he faced in opening, not one, but two art galleries in Alberta, was building the clientele. While an enjoyable business, art galleries are not necessarily an easy business. Berg says if people are interested in opening a gallery, find a spot where there is little competition. Right from the start, Berg knew that he didn’t want to go head-to-head with an American-style box store.

Having unique, one-of-a-kind locally curated art allows Berg to compete on the national and international markets via his websites.