Assembly blankets First Nation Lieutenant-General

Wednesday, July 10th, 2024 11:11am


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Lieutenant-General Jocelyn (Joe) Paul is blanketed July 9 at the Assembly of First Nations annual general meeting in Montreal.

The Assembly of First Nation paid tribute to the achievements of Lieutenant-General Jocelyn (Joe) Paul, a member of the Huron-Wendat First Nation, born and raised in Wendake, Que.

Paul was blanketed before assembly delegates July 9. Paul joined the military in 1991 and has risen through the ranks to become a three-star general, the highest rank ever achieved by an Indigenous person in Canada.

Joe Paul
Lieutenant-General Jocelyn (Joe) Paul

He deployed to Croatia in 1993 as a platoon commander, was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel in the summer of 2005 and assumed command of 2nd Battalion Royal 22e Régiment and of the Citadel in Québec City in 2008.

The 2nd Battalion Royal 22e Régiment Battle Group (TF 1-09) was deployed in Kandahar Province, Afghanistan from April to October 2009.

Promoted to the rank of Colonel in June 2010, Paul took command of the Counter-Improvised Explosive Device Task Force and later was appointed Commander of the Canadian Manoeuvre Training Centre, Wainwright, Alta.

 Following his promotion to the rank of Brigadier-General, he assumed command of Task Force Jerusalem (Operation PROTEUS).

Upon returning to Canada in July 2015, Paul was seconded for two years to the Privy Council Office, after which he was appointed Chief of Staff (COS), Canadian Forces Intelligence Command.

In June 2018, he assumed command of 4th Canadian Division and Joint Task Force Central. In July 2019, he was promoted to the rank of Major-General and assumed the position of Director General International Security Policy.

Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-General in 2021, Paul was appointed as Deputy Commander Allied Joint Forces Command in Naples, Italy.

Lieutenant General Paul was appointed Commander Canadian Army on June 16, 2022. He is the 51st Army Commander and first Indigenous CAF member to hold this position. 

Paul was awarded the Meritorious Service Cross for the performance of his unit in Kandahar, and the United States Legion of Merit Award for his service as Deputy of the US Security Coordinator (USSC) in Jerusalem.

blanket for Haida
Front, from left to right: Skidegate Council Chief Councillor William Yovanovich, Lieutenant-General Jocelyn (Joe) Paul, Assembly of First Nations National Chief Cindy Woodhouse Nepinak, and Haida Nation President Gaagwiis Jason Alsop.

Also blanketed that day were Haida Nation President Gaagwiis Jason Alsop and Skidegate Council Chief Councillor William Yovanovich for their work to secure recognition of Haida Aboriginal title of Haida Gwaii in British Columbia and legislation titled the Haida Nation Recognition Amendment Act which became law in the province on May 16 of this year.