Mikiwam found its niche providing maintenance services


Windspeaker Radio speaks with Steven Tatum, Vice President of Mikiwam Coatings of Fort McMurray.


Mikiwam Coatings

195 MacDonald Cres.

Fort McMurray, AB. 

T9H 4b3


Mikiwam Coatings has had a lot of support from the oil industry on the maintenance side of the business. While they had been in construction for 38 years, the changing economy prompted a new venture.

Mikiwam Coatings, offering services from abrasive sandblasting to rope access solutions, has been operating for about 18 months.

While there hasn’t been a lot of capital projects of late in the region, there is always maintenance to be done, Tatum said.

“There’s always challenges in business, but being Indigenous wasn’t one of them, not in a region that has proved supportive of Indigenous business owners for decades.

But, it is a lot of work, starting a business, said Tatum.

“If you can put the same amount of effort in during the bad times as well as the good, that would be a good start, and have good people around you,” he advises.